Philippines - Leyte University SLSU

This program aims to train students from the University of Leyte (SLSU) in diving as part of its marine biology program, and to include monitoring and action for local marine protection.

SLSU (Southern Leyte State University) contacted Sogod Bay Scuba Resort and Plongeurs du Monde, who trained two university researchers to Divemaster level during the SPOT program.

The University of Leyte has asked Plongeurs du Monde to help it improve its marine biology program by integrating scuba diving-related training for its students and teachers.

SLSU's objective is to enrich its marine biology curriculum by integrating scuba diving training and to include coral monitoring and restoration, studies on Acanthaster or on fish populations in the province's marine protected areas.

The objectives of this program are:

  • Training teachers to PADI Open Water level (minimum) to provide them with the basic knowledge and initial experience of scuba diving.
  • Training students in marine biology to PADI Advanced Open Water level, enabling them to carry out scientific dives under the supervision of one or more University Divemasters who have already been trained by Plongeurs du Monde.
  • Optional PADI Rescue and EFR (Emergency First Response) training for participants who commit to continuing the PADI training program.

To give SLSU total autonomy, we plan to offer Instructor training (OWSI) at the end of the 3-year program for the 2 Divemasters we trained during the SPOT missions.

Thereafter, SLSU will be able to conduct its own PADI training courses as required.



Training courses:

Mission manager

Laurent MARTIN

Upcoming missions

en 2025

-2n trimestre 2025
Mission Université de Leyte SLSU