The ADSEI (Association pour le Développement Socio-Economique d'Itsamia) has contacted Plongeurs du Monde about its project to train diving instructors with the aim of setting up a diving and training center in Itsamia on the island of Mohéli in the Comoros.
Plongeurs du Monde has been asked to help with the training of already certified divers in the Itsamia region. Some divers have already been trained by Plongeurs du Monde up to Rescue level through sessions organized by the Mohéli National Park at Nioumachoua.
ADSEI's aim is to set up a diving center in Itsamia, so as to be able to dive in the region and monitor the seabed there, as well as eventually being able to provide autonomous training for future divers from the island of Mohéli.
In this context, the project of this program has 2 different and complementary objectives:
The first objective is to continue the training courses initiated since 2017 with 4 Mohéli National Park Rangers.
The training planned for these guards consists of achieving and validating the PADI Divemaster certification. then preparing them up to Instructor.
This training is aimed at 10 volunteer students, up to PADI Rescue level with EFR (Emergency First Response) competence.
Eco-Guides will continue to train these students once they have qualified as Instructors.
No mission planned for the moment